Photo Gallery

Grey Noses

We’d like to introduce you to some of our more senior Club members. All our Grey Noses are over 10 years old and much loved family pets. We’ve included photos of each along with a note of what makes them so special to their humans. If you’d like your Grey Nose included here, please send photos and your summary to Lynn at

Cleo (05/04/2013)

This is Cleo, a veteran retired trainee search and rescue dog. Cleo retired when her human decided to have a family and could no longer go out searching all hours of the night. But that’s ok as it leaves more time for enjoyable forest and beach walks, and more importantly, energy to keep her Appenzeller ‘brother’ in close check!  And of course plenty of naps!

Cinders (28/12/2013)

Cinders (Cinderella) is from Shadow’s C litter and has just turned 10. It is hard to think we she has owned us for 10 years already but she is still very much a puppy at heart even though her legs don’t work quite as well as they used to. 

She is as opinionated and sassy as ever and still loves nothing more than a day out exploring but equally loves curling up and having lots of cuddles. Her absolute favourite day is a day on the beach followed by an ice cream (her favourite treat). 

Unfortunately she now has arthritis in her paws which means less exercise and boots whenever she wants to go out but with them on she is still unstoppable and can now do approx 100 miles an hour in those boots!

We are so happy that she is living life to the full and that we have the privilege of being a part of her life. 

Soggi (19/09/2011)

This is Soggi (formerly Annette) from Shadow’s first litter, so Aristotle’s sister. She is therefore turning 12 this month. She is still Soggi by name, Soggy by nature and loves everything to do with water, except for the sea, which she has been ignoring for the last 11 years! Digging up pebbles on the beach and the river or mud and grass in the meadow is still her favourite game.

Food of course is most important to her. Every day she is still enjoying her fresh muesli with fruit and natural yoghurt for breakfast and pasta with lots of raw vegetables and an egg for dinner.

Sadly she has become deaf and that confuses her at times, especially when she wakes up from a deep sleep. It also has increased her anxiety for not being together with us at all times. On the other hand the deafness has made her sniffing around much more and bark less at everyone who dares to come too close to our house.

We love our beautiful girl very much and it is not easy to face the fact that she might leave us in the next few years. I heard recently someone in a film saying ‘ the pain tomorrow is part of the joy today’. I think that is very true.