Brain Training and Fun in the Sun

On 29th July, the Club held a very successful Northern Fun Day in Tholthorpe North Yorkshire. 11 Entlebuchers enjoyed the early afternoon, running around in the sun, renewing old friendships and making new ones, followed by a couple of hours proving that they’re a pretty clever breed.

The training started with some exercises in the sun, with the Entlebuchers learning how to be more aware of different parts of their bodies – stepping through ladders, standing on boxes and jumping over poles. Then the fun moved inside, learning how to retrieve hidden treats, to impress our friends with our paw skills and even how to read. (I told you they were clever).

When the fun had finished, everyone had a well earned rest and Babeli was awarded the Alfie Dog Memorial Shield for all she’s done for the breed.

Thank you to Caroline Penistone for keeping everyone, dogs and owners, challenged and entertained. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed it!

If you’d like to come to a future fun day, please look out for details which will be posted here and on our Facebook Page.