Our next Entlebucher walk will be on 3rd March at Daventry Country Park, off Northern Way, Daventry, NN11 2JB. We’ll be meeting in the car park at 10.00am and following one or more of the marked trails around the park whilst talking all things Entlebucher for a couple of hours. There should also be an opportunity for some off lead time for the dogs. Here’s a link to the Country Park with some more information – https://www.westnorthants.gov.uk/daventry-country-park
Please email rosjkind@gmail.com if you are planning to attend. We hope to see you there.
If you are interested in breeding from your dog or in your dog becoming a stud dog then there are three parts to the testing. The health tests, a character test and a test of conformation to breed standard. The health tests we can guide you through but require veterinary bookings with appropriate specialists. The character and conformation tests are run by the Club and have to be passed in order for your dog to be given Club approval for breeding. This is entirely modelled on the Swiss system and is designed to ensure that the breed remains fit for purpose, true to breed type and of good character going forward.
We offer the character and conformation tests twice a year in Spring and early Autumn, with the next one being on Saturday 27th April. To be entered for the Club Breeding Test your dog must be at least 18 months of age at the time of the test. The entry form must be returned and payment for the test made to the Club account by Thursday 28th March latest. The test will only run if we have entries and so that those running the tests have sufficient notice whether the test will be going ahead or not late entries will not be possible. The next test after this will be in September 2024 so bear this in mind if you are thinking of breeding from your dog and wanting to plan timings of when a first litter might take place.
Please email rosjkind@gmail.com for more information and an entry form.
Nine Entlebuchers, including three puppies from the most recent litter, met up for a walk at Salcey Forest on 30th December. Despite the rain, all those present had a lovely time meeting old and new friends and blowing away the cobwebs.
On 19th September 2011 Torfheide Aristotle, the 5th puppy of Shadow’s first litter entered the world weighing 292g. His litter brought our numbers to 25 Entlebuchers in the UK and at the time, 11 of them were together in Arisotle’s house! For his owner it was love at first sight and the feeling was mutual. He became her keeper puppy. He was born straight into his breeders heart and never left it.
For 12 years he devoted his love to his owner and breeder and after a sudden onset of not being very well he crossed the rainbow bridge yesterday afternoon. Aristotle, or Ari as he was known to those that loved him, was the sweetest Entlebucher, friends with humans and canine alike. His presence will be missed hugely by his human mum and dad and his partner in crime Wilma. Watching a puppy enter the world is a beautiful experience, watching them leave this world is heart wrenching.
Our heartfelt condolences go to his family Ros, Chris & Wilma. Run Free Ari. See you in another life.
We were very sorry to hear of the death of Rafa of a tumour on his spleen. Rafa was 12 years old and passed away last month. He is survived by his brothers Ari and Amigo and sister Soggi, but will be reunited across the rainbow bridge with his siblings Dora, Addie and Arnie. Our thoughts are with everyone who knew and loved Rafa. Rest in peace, Rafa.
23rd September saw another Entlebucher Club walk, this time in the beautiful setting of Tittesworth Reservoir, just outside Leek, Staffordshire. The weather was kind to us and the sun shone for all 5 miles of the walk, a welcome change from the wind and rain of the previous day. Arthur, Barli, Izzy and Salvo walked the 5 miles around the reservoir with their humans. Bella, at 4 1/2 months was a little too young to walk the whole route, but joined her Entlebucher friends, for the first and last half mile and lunch afterwards.
With thanks to Mike Scott for this photo of Bella (left), Arthur, Barli, Izzy and Salvo (Back-Front) and their humans, at the end of the walk.
We’ll be arranging more walks next year – check here or your inbox for details of where and when – we’d love to see you.
We are very sad to tell you that Dora crossed the rainbow bridge last Wednesday. Dora was one of the first Torfheide litter and of all Shadow’s pups she was the one most like her mother, feisty, strong-willed, independent and utterly adorable.
We send our love to Carol and Brian as they grieve for their beloved dog.
On 29th July, the Club held a very successful Northern Fun Day in Tholthorpe North Yorkshire. 11 Entlebuchers enjoyed the early afternoon, running around in the sun, renewing old friendships and making new ones, followed by a couple of hours proving that they’re a pretty clever breed.
The training started with some exercises in the sun, with the Entlebuchers learning how to be more aware of different parts of their bodies – stepping through ladders, standing on boxes and jumping over poles. Then the fun moved inside, learning how to retrieve hidden treats, to impress our friends with our paw skills and even how to read. (I told you they were clever).
It is with a very heavy heart that we announce that Alfie Norfolkfields crossed the rainbow bridge on Wednesday. He would have been 13 in September.
His owners say “Our gorgeous, bouncy, eternal puppy is no longer by our sides and my heart is broken. They say you never need to call for your Entlebucher because he’s already there. Now that he isn’t, the emptiness is so hard to bear. I feel grateful for the thirteen years we’ve had together though and all the laughter and joy he’s brought our family. He was truly a once in a lifetime dog and we were lucky to have him. Run free Alfie boy – we will never forget you and all our adventures”
If you are interested in breeding from your dog or in your dog becoming a stud dog then there are three parts to the testing. The health tests, a character test and a test of conformation to breed standard. The health tests we can guide you through but require veterinary bookings with appropriate specialists. The character and conformation tests are run by the Club and have to be passed in order for your dog to be given Club approval for breeding. This is entirely modelled on the Swiss system and is designed to ensure that the breed remains fit for purpose, true to breed type and of good character going forward.
We offer the character and conformation tests twice a year in May and September, with the next one being on Saturday 16th September 2023. To be entered for the Club Breeding Test your dog must be at least 18 months of age at the time of the test. The entry form which must be returned and payment for the test made to the Club account by Friday 18th August latest. The test will only run if we have entries and so that those running the tests have sufficient notice whether the test will be going ahead or not late entries will not be possible. The next test after this will be in May 2024 so bear this in mind if you are thinking of breeding from your dog and wanting to plan timings of when a first litter might take place.
If you want to know more of what is involved then please speak to Ros, Robyn, Sarah or your dog’s breeder and we can go through this in detail. We can also provide links to videos of previous tests and advice sheets to help you prepare and understand what your dog will undertake.
For those of you who do not wish to breed from your dog but who would like to either help or see what the tests entail, please email rosjkind@gmail.com so that wecan provide you with details. We do need a few helpers to assist with the character testing.